Skills developed in the professional training process of nursing technicians in the south region of Rio Grande do Sul
Nursing, Competence-based education, Nursing technicianAbstract
Study developed in the Technical Nursing courses in the southern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, aiming to analyze the process of formal professional training of future nursing technicians in this location, it is done through the development of skills, as well as knowing the skills that are being developed in these courses. The meaning of skills development in the educational and professional fields is based on the ideas of Philippe Perrenoud. The methodology is a qualitative approach, exploratory and descriptive. The collection of primary data was mediated by the application of a semi-structured instrument, with open and closed questions, to students and teachers, in the second semester of 2018. And the secondary data were obtained through documentary research. The study was developed in four institutions distributed in three municipalities, with 64 students and five teachers participating. The results were extracted based on the content analysis method. Constitutive elements were found that indicate that the training process in these spaces is based on the notions of competences according to the adopted theoretical framework. Thus, the teaching-learning process, when considering the development of skills, takes on a broader meaning than just professional training and insertion in the labor market. It has as possibilities the contribution to the production of individual, collective and public health and human and citizen training of its members.
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