Critical Literacies theory applied in English language teaching for the integral formation of the students
Integral formation, Critical Literacies, English Language TeachingAbstract
Decree 5.154 / 04, which regulates Technical Professional Education at secondary level, is considered an improvement over previous ones because it allows Technical Professional Education to be offered in the Integrated modality to High School under the articulation of the axes work, science, technology and culture. Thus, it allows the pedagogical practices for this modality of education to surpass the purely technical knowledge and be directed with a view to the broad formation of the subjects. In this sense, the Curricular Guidelines for Secondary Education in the Foreign Language session - OCEM-LE, (BRASIL, 2006), suggest that foreign language teaching practices should be based on the theory of Critical Literacies, seeking to form creative, critical and open mind individuals for the exercise of plural citizenship. Thereby, this research investigated in what ways, when based on the theory of Critical Literacies, the teaching practices in English language classes of the Technical Course in Farming Integrated to High School can contribute to the integral formation of the students of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA) – Castanhal Campus. The collected data come from participant observation and audio recording of English language classes during the execution of a didactic sequence elaborated for the research based on these theoretical principles and using multimodal texts. Theoretical studies and research have shown that pedagogical practices guided by Critical Literacies principles can contribute to an education beyond linguistic instrumentation and job market preparation by encouraging students to read themselves and the world critically.
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