Digital technologies, postgraduate professor and researcher training: relations between Brazilian and international initiatives
Training of university teachers, Technological training in basic education, undergraduate curricula.Abstract
This article is part of the research entitled “Digital technologies, university teaching and basic education teacher training: effectiveness of Brazilian educational policies.” The general objective is to understand the dimension of the technological training of teachers in the curricula in compulsory education and in undergraduate courses, as well as analyzing the relationship of these curricula with the technological training of university professors in the field of education. In this text, we seek to dialogue with educational policies that aim to technologically train teachers in compulsory education and higher education, relating them to international initiatives, especially those of the Organization for Economic Development Cooperation (OECD), in order to problematize the gaps found in Brazilian proposals. We conducted a documentary analysis of training policies at Doctorate courses so as to achieve discuss how technological training has been dimensioned at these levels, with our focus being on researchers who, in the future, become teachers of the primary and secondary education The results show that at all levels of teacher education, there is a certain incipience concerning the technological training of teachers and researchers, which possibly has implications for the preparation of young Brazilians in compulsory education.
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