Dialogical clinic and relation to knowledge in extreme situations: listening to the stories of sick teenagers
Dialogical clinic, Relation to knowledge, Hospital classAbstract
The aim of this study is to find out how hospitalized teenagers feel about their experience as a serious chronic patient, except for severe neurological diseases and psychological disorders, and what knowledge they discover during the period of hospitalization. We worked with five teenagers with cancer of different etiologies, aged between 13 and 19 years old. All adolescents were met at the hospital following the method of Phenomenological Conversations (FERNANDES, 2017). The objectif was to question the different possible hypotheses concerning the role of schooling for the severely ill teenager and his relationship to knowledge in this moment of physical difficulty and the suppression of the right to school. As a result, it has been realized that regular study is not needed for them, because what they want is to talk about themselves, about everything that happens to them, about their illness, their feelings, their way of seeing the world and everything about their lives. that they never thought. Its relationship with the hospital class seems to inaugurate a new relationship with school knowledge, not yet inaugurated by the school.References
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