The planning of teacher and evaluation: a reflection on their reflexes in the school repetition of the pupils of the schools of the 1st Cycle in Cabinda/Angola
Planning of teacher, Evaluation, School repetition.Abstract
This study has as focus the planning of teachers, evaluation and school repetition, echoing the concerns of Angolan society in general and Cabindan in particular, regarding the high number of students which suffer the problem of school repetition. Its objective seek from the analysis of the bibliography related to these three categories to reflect on what is said and what is done in the schools of the 1stcycle in Cabinda and its effects on the students’ school reality. Therefore, it is a qualitative research, based on the bibliographical approach, having as objects of analysis and reflection the official documents of ministry of education, books and articles produced by local and foreign researchers and some works done by teachers who teach in this cycle. It is understood that although research and pedagogical practices show the importance of these pedagogical tools, the same in the daily life of many teachers it is no more than a simple bureaucratic formality, lacking the concrete actions that place the student at the heart of the activities that are planned, executed and evaluated in the classroom, taking him as a concret person. In conclusion, it can be argued that studies involving this school problem should continue, seeking how to improve the pedagogical doing of teachers. However, it appears that the quality of the teacher`s daily planning has reflexes in the results of the students’ evaluations and affects the school repetition rates that are observed in these schools in Cabinda.
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