The professional development of teacher and the expansion and stratification of the Brazilian educational system
Teacher Professional Development, Education Expansion, Educational Stratification.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the importance of policies that value the professional development of teachers in the face of the expansion of educational systems, which occurs against educational stratification. Based on official data and the production of the area, this is a theoretical study that discusses the relationship between the training of teachers and the stratification of educational systems, in an educational conception guided by inequalities and by reproduction and social domination. The argumentative approach indicates that the preparation of the teacher is fundamental for his performance in a context of social inequalities, with a view to conducting a training / work process committed to equity and transformation of society. It is concluded that the problems in teacher education (initial and continuous) demand public policies directed towards teacher education that breaks with the established and revived tradition in the educational institutions, with the purpose of meeting the different social contexts in Brazil. Policies that value the professional development of teachers are established as partners in the struggle for the democratization of education and, therefore, are favorable to greater socio-educational mobility.
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