Etec de Piedade/SP: ten years of an approach that transcends vocational technical education
Technical education, ETEC de Piedade, Completion of course workAbstract
The purpose of this is to systematically record the activities of the State Technical School of Piedade/SP, in its first decade of existence. Through a record that tells the story of this school, which portrays a trajectory of success and great achievements in the educational field, this article addresses the phases of the creation of this Technical Education Unit in the interior of the state of São Paulo, as well as the its relation to the concept of a human and critical professional education. This article has gone through the approach of the history of the ETEC of Piedade, referring to critical historical pedagogy as its theoretical foundation, starting with reports of students of the Technician in Integrated Administration to High School, collected in their TCCs, which portray a broad and critical stance in the field of their learning. They present a position not only based on technicality, which generally, according to the literature, characterize the public as being students of technical training institutes at the intermediate level, but who stand with specific, singular and critical positions towards the society in which they participate. The data and information presented here are part of a master's degree research in the Graduate Program in Education at UFSCar Sorocaba / SP, in which the mentioned school is the object of the research. We hope, therefore, the socialization of a counterpoint presupposition, to the traditional model of vocational training, pure and simple.
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