The meanings of teacher of middle school on inclusive education




Continuous formation, Meanings and Senses, Inclusive education


The purpose of this study is the teaching and learning activity of students with special educational needs (NEEs) in the regular school. This is a clipping of a doctoral research and had as it’s problematic: what are the meanings of a high school teacher about teaching and learning activity developed for the school inclusion of students with SEN in High School? The research is qualitative in nature and aims to analyse the meanings and meanings of a high school teacher about the teaching and learning activity of students with SEN. The theoretical-methodological basis of support was the Historical Materialism Dialectic and Socio-Historical Psychology. The analytical procedure used was the Nucleus of Significance. The research participant was a History teacher. The techniques and methodological tools were the narrative and reflective interview. The teacher interviewed expressed that, in order for the student with NEEs to participate and to take ownership of the systematized culture, he conceives that the teacher should have waist play so that this student is not excluded, segregated or even subject to bullying by those without NEEs. I conclude that, after receiving these students in the classroom, the teacher feels affected by the inclusive education, doing a waist play to include them in the processes of training, learning and development in the regular school.The purpose of this study is the teaching and learning activity of students with special educational needs (NEEs) in the regular school. This is a clipping of a doctoral research and had as it’s problematic: what are the meanings of a high school teacher about teaching and learning activity developed for the school inclusion of students with SEN in High School? The research is qualitative in nature and aims to analyse the meanings and meanings of a high school teacher about the teaching and learning activity of students with SEN. The theoretical-methodological basis of support was the Historical Materialism Dialectic and Socio-Historical Psychology. The analytical procedure used was the Nucleus of Significance. The research participant was a History teacher. The techniques and methodological tools were the narrative and reflective interview. The teacher interviewed expressed that, in order for the student with NEEs to participate and to take ownership of the systematized culture, he conceives that the teacher should have waist play so that this student is not excluded, segregated or even subject to bullying by those without NEEs. I conclude that, after receiving these students in the classroom, the teacher feels affected by the inclusive education, doing a waist play to include them in the processes of training, learning and development in the regular school.

Author Biography

Marcia Raika e Silva Lima, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Caxias, Maranhão

Professora Doutora naUniversidade Estadual do Maranhão, Caxias, Maranhão, Brasil


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How to Cite

Lima, M. R. e S. (2020). The meanings of teacher of middle school on inclusive education. Education, 45(1), e65/ 1–24.