Critical education: an alliance between Environmental Education and M-learning
Critical education, M-learning, Neighborhood of Recife.Abstract
The Neighborhood of Recife, a patrimony of the state of Pernambuco, has a unique dynamic, and is part of the cultural and affective imagination of Recife, as it is part of the history of the formation of both the city and the state. In this way, it is important that it be worked in the classroom, in an interdisciplinary way, bringing the formal contents closer to the daily life of the students. To overcome this challenge, an environmental education, linked to mobile technologies is essential, because only then the learning process will accompany the frenetic pace of the globalized world. Faced with this reality, environmental education, together with M-learning, respects the learning time of each student, and enables the construction of knowledge at any time and place. The objective of the research is to analyze the way in which high school students appropriate knowledge about the Neighborhood of Recife using mobile technologies. For this, the qualitative methodology was used, with participatory workshops with students from the three years of high school, from a reference school in the city of Recife. During the activities, participants were able to use smartphones to search and share news. The analysis of the discourse of the students allowed us to affirm that, the mobile technologies are important during the learning process and with them help was possible to build knowledge about the Neighborhood of Recife.
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