The thought of gaia education and the formation of other educator
Gaia Education, formation, Paolo Mottana.Abstract
Disseminate the thinking of Gaia Education (2015) by Paolo Mottana (Unimib / Italy) through brief passages of its courses and seminars in 2017, especially the gaia education and its implication in training professionals concerned with education. The purpose of the writing is to bring to light innovations in thinking about another possible education and the formation of people interested in pedagogical concepts that complement those already instituted. The study procedures are demonstrated through the analysis of the author's works, as well as the courses and seminars attended during a research conducted with Mottana. The writing of the text is anchored in the collection of conceptual data focused on the search for the concept of gaia education and it is hoped as a result that its thought will be proliferated on a larger scale, engendering new educational scenarios that welcome the procedures of the formation of a pedagogical gaia education. Making a wide range of education professionals have as a didactic tool this knowledge and this specific training. With conclusions that project a thinking and acting in a field of strategies of resistance to a teaching that presses to the reproduction, the rationalization and the submission before what is being taught. To affirm the gaia education it is necessary to affirm a change of ethical, aesthetic and political posture facing the obstacles that put us in constant upheavals.
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