Education and the self-experience in the stories of a narrator alongside Rio Doce
Education, Narrator, Experience.Abstract
It aims to understand the educational practices performed through the propagation of oral narratives of traditional narrators and the relationships between traditional narratives, self-experiences and education, reflecting on the entanglements between oral narratives and the constitution of the subjects. To do so, it uses the concepts of narrator and experience of Benjamin (1979) and of pedagogic device, experience and self-awareness of Larrosa (1994, 2004). With a qualitative approach, according to the methodological procedures, a case study that takes as a corpus the narratives, collected by recorded interview from Geni de Oliveira Ramos, a traditional narrator from the village of Povoação (Linhares-ES), located on the north bank of the Rio Doce mouth. From the transcription of the interview (DELGADO, 2006; MARCUSCHI, 2007), the data analyses points out eventual relationships of the collected stories with the Brazilian myths (CASCUDO, 1983; 1998). This study analyzes the narratives in the light of the theoretical reference, highlighting sections directly related to the elements of tradition and to the self-experience within the scope of the institution of pedagogic devices and educational practices in the time and space of the narration. Finally, it highlights the relevance of the research in the record of the community’s memory for its process of re-existence in face of the current situation of the Rio Doce, pointing to possible actions of transmission of self-experience from Dona Geni’s narratives to the new generations.
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