The pedagogy course between deliberations
Initial teacher training, Pedagogy, University autonomy.Abstract
In a context of redefinition of undergraduate courses at the national level there are distinct positioning and conceptions in Shock. This text aims to present and reflect on the process of regulating the undergraduate courses, more specifically that of pedagogy, in the scenario of approval of the deliberation 111/12 of the State Council of Education of Sao Paulo state. This reflection is given from our experience as professor of a São Paulo state public university. To begin with the brief contextualization of the historical framework of this course, from its foundation with the prospect of training of specialists, through the organization of movements of education professionals in the struggle for a formation of University-level Teachers. With the objective of defining a policy of the public institutions of higher education in Sao Paulo for the formation of teachers for the early and the final years of elementary education, in 2012 the EEC presents a proposal for deliberation on the Subject.
Such a presentation raises various questions, from the content focused to an eminently practical look at the teaching action, through the understanding of how such deliberation and the speech that accompanied it, via media, announced an interference in Scientific didactic autonomy of the university, provided for in the Constitution of 1988. With this discussion we would like to bring up a local reality that reflects and portrays policies of a national dimension in the field of teacher Training.
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