Ways of inhabiting the school: what are we capable of inventing?
School, Image, Contemporary artAbstract
Thinking the school environment in different ways is one of the objectives of this article, which seeks a way to reaffirm the life that pulses in school, especially when faced with the current deterioration of education. The text offers an invitation to think about what goes on in the school as a space for the established and what runs through it, unpredictable and uncontrollable. This task relies on convergences between art and education, inviting readers to see the school according to what is possible to invent and create. This article seeks to bring to the fore the power of the minimum through school scenes-images and collaborations with contemporary visual artists, such as Hicham Benohoud and Luis Camnitzer. In their own different ways, both take education as a raw material, collaborating to think the relationships that involve art and education. With these artists and with the school scenes-images, the purpose is to bring up the idea of encounters in which the school can regard art as a pathway to reflect on the minorities that coexist in it. The main authors referenced in this text are Foucault, Deleuze, Sílvio Gallo and Simon Rodríguez. Accompanied by a look at the school scenes-images and by the works of visual artists and philosophers who help think the school, this article should make more people feel touched or urged to listen and feel the minimum things that restlessly take place and can be perceived by those who experience the school from the inside. After all, what ways of inhabiting the school are we capable of inventing?References
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