Composition, dialogue and awareness in EJA: a study in the field of musical education
Musical education, Musical composition, Dialogue and awareness, EJA.Abstract
The research presented in this article focused on musical composition in music classes in the Educação de Jovens e Adultos - EJA (Youth and Adult Education) modality, in order to investigate the processes of dialogue and awareness that permeate the pedagogical action of composing in school. The theoretical reference was built in the articulation between authors that approach the composition as pedagogical action in musical education and the Paulo Freire's conception of problematizing education. A research with the participation of students of a second segment class of the EJA was carried out. The methodological design included the immersion of the researcher in the school context to act as teacher, and to develop a didactic planning with experiences in musical composition with the participants. The recording of these experiences in video and reflection interviews in focus groups with the help of videos were carried out. The results showed evidence that the musical composition can provide students with participation in the learning process as active subjects, in which they can learn by living their musical reality, dialoguing about it and opening space for a possible amplification of their vision about music and their relationship with it.References
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