Internationalization of Higher Education: Subject, Place and Research as substantive categories of analyzes
Internationalization, Higher Education, World Class Universities.Abstract
The internationalization is an in issue of growing interest within the context of Higher Education (HE), especially due to the impacts of globalization upon the institutions alongside the past few decades. This paper aims at furthering the analysis of concepts, policies and actions of internationalization of HE, based on three north American institutions - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and Columbia University. A qualitative methodological approach was used, with semi structured interviews, observations and documental analysis carried out regarding two issues of inquiry: 1) What conceptions of internationalization of HE are present in those institutions? and 2) What policies and actions of internationalization are present in the institutions? The substantive categories have been identified: Subject, Place and Research. Those categories, in their turn, express concepts that sustain policies and actions of internationalization. The Subjects, rather than individuals devoid of their identity, have been identified as both the starting point and driving force of the processes of internationalization. Place are spaces inherently plenty of both contradictions and possibilities, gathering Subjects who could count on support and means that enable them to construct bridges to perform within borderline zones, based on an interdisciplinary approach to research in order to address some of the complex issues affecting the human kind.
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