The music of friendship: notes between philosophy and education
Listening, Friendship, Music, Education, PhilosophyAbstract
The present article deals with the relations between music, philosophy, education and friendship. It starts with a reading of the Italian musician Ezio Bosso and its main interlocutors are authors like F. Ferraro, J. Masschelein & M. Simons, J. L. Nancy, M. Santi, G. Deleuze, C. Lenkensdorf and the zapatistas. Some of the main issues that this article discusses are: the role of listening, in music and philosophy; the contributions of music to consider the meaning of education; the role of search and encounter in life and education; the place of the other, in music, philosophy and education; the sense of friendship as an impersonal form in thought; the text recovers some of Paulo Freire's words about the value of the collective in institutional life and, finally, also pays homage to Fulvio Manara, a recently deceased Italian author, significant in the field of philosophical community of inquiry and education for peace.References
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