Students’ survey for assessing HE teachers’ work – advantages and disadvantages


  • Violeta Janusheva "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
  • Milena Pejchinovska "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
  • Jove Dimitrija Talevski "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia



Evaluation, Students, Teachers


The self-evaluation as a basic tool is used by every higher education institution, which wants to improve the quality of its own working. Relevant segment of the self-evaluation process is the work of the teacher, which is evaluated through a survey that is filled in by the students. Thus, the aim of the paper is to show the advantages and disadvantages of the students' survey as a part of the self-evaluation process at the "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" University in Bitola, in the Republic of Macedonia. The research has a qualitative paradigm, ie the twelve statements of this survey are related to their impact on the validity and objectivity of the results for the teachers' work, as well as their relevance in the multidimensional construct teaching.The research has also quantitative paradigm, ie the attitudes and the opinions of 100 teachers that work at this University referring to the statements 'powerfulness in teaching are analyzed and of 200 students that study at this University on the effects of the students' survey. The research has descriptive design. Methods used for processing the data and for gaining conclusions are analysis, synthesis and comparison. The research indicates that besides the advantages, this students 'survey has numerous disadvantages that should be taken in account, because they influence the validity and the objectivity of the grade for the teachers' work. Therefore, there is an urgent review of this survey.

Author Biographies

Violeta Janusheva, "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia

Violeta Januševa is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. She teaches subjects in the field of the modern Macedonian language: Phonetics and Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Lexicology, Phraseology, Semantics etc., and also in the field of the assessment of students' achievement. She has taken part in numerous symposiums, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. She has published numerous professional and scientific papers in both fields (Macedonian language and Assessment) in her country and abroad.

Milena Pejchinovska, "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia

Milena Pejchinovska is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. She has a PhD in Pedagogy and Methodology of Teaching and Learning. She teaches subjects in the filed of Natural & Social Sciences and Methods Courses. She has published numerous professional and scientific papers in both her field in her country and abroad.

Jove Dimitrija Talevski, "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia

Jove Tlevski is a full professor at the Faculty of Education in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. He has PdD in Geographical Sciences. He teaches subjects in the field of Geography, Military Topography, Cartography, Miliary Geography, Integrated Boredr Management and Teaching methods in Introduction to Environment, Nature and Society. I have also taught the subject assessment of students' achievements and Dokimology. He has published numerous professional and scientific papers in his fields in his country and abroad. He is the current vice dean ath the Faculty.



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How to Cite

Janusheva, V., Pejchinovska, M., & Talevski, J. D. (2018). Students’ survey for assessing HE teachers’ work – advantages and disadvantages. Education, 43(3), 369–392.



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