Students teach teachers in school that is no longer school
School everyday life, Post-qualitative research, Cartographic methodAbstract
The present article tries to present some of the current confrontations of the education from the territory of three researches committed with the extension of the problematic that involves the relation of teaching and learning, guarded in its complex peculiarities, visceral similarities and immeasurable distances. For this, we start from the cartographic proposal in the research on education as the resource of the post-qualitative proposals, beyond the conventional application of the interview, individual or collective. Using the method of cartography as a methodological modality that calls into question the conventional investigative resources, as well as fine tune the cartographic actions themselves, as we deepen our involvement with the field. We take as a field of research some schools of basic education that constitute a sample of the diversity of these spaces and their subjects. We believe that such procedures and perspectives reach some of the unequivocal images of the challenges arising from the conditions and constraints of basic education in the face of the contrasts between what it preserves as tradition and what goes through it as the unprecedented current resultReferences
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