The biographematic method: new scripture in education
Method, Biographeme, Scripture.Abstract
This article proposes a method that deals with the way we write about the authors of the educational area. This method is entitled “Biographematic Method” to be constituted from the notion of biographeme, presented by Roland Barthes in Sade, Fourier, Loyola (2005a), Camera Lucida (1984) and The Preparation of the Novel (2005c). The article is justified by thinking of new ways of expressing writing in Education. Its conclusion is expressed in the articulation, on the theoretical plane, between the notion of biographeme and what Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1992) call conceptual personae, aesthetic figure and psychosocial type. As the article argues, when a writting appropriates an aesthetic figure or a conceptual personae or a psychosocial type, it necessarily doesn't appropriate the author as a Subject, which is a condition for the task of finding (inventing) biographematical traits.References
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