Understanding the pedagogical practice of the teacher: fun during storytelling
Teaching practices, Play, StorytellingAbstract
Today, pedagogical reflections on education from different perspectives seem to point to the study of what occurs in the microcosm of the classroom and, more specifically, to teacher practices. The objective of this article is to understand the importance of including pedagogical support processes through playful strategies using storytelling in the pedagogical practices of teachers. The methodology is qualitative and, from the perspective of Textual Discourse Analysis, we question the ability to reflect in four teachers in a public school in Porto Alegre in Brazil. They participated in a support process in the classroom organized as part of the Projeto Biblioteca Viva: espaço de apoio ao ensino e aprendizagem (“Live Library Project: support space for teaching and learning”). The results show that educational support, through playful interactions, can be established as a highly valued space for teachers, to the extent in which it facilitates, in a practical and experimental way, creating new meanings, relearning, remembering and observing their teaching practices. This occurs on a personal level, regarding self-awareness, but also in an interactive, relational way, and as a driving force for student learning.References
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