Aesthetic-Environmental Education in Brazil (Based on Pablo René Estévez’s legacy)
Aesthetic perspective of Environmental Education, Aesthetic-Environmental Education in Brazil, Aesthetic sustainabilityAbstract
This study, whose focus is Aesthetic-Environmental Education (AEE), an emerging area in value Education, aims at researching its development in Brazil, based on Pablo René Estévez’s work at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, RS, Brazil. Therefore, from a dialectical materialist perspective, the aesthetic orientation of Environmental Education (the origin of AEE) is studied, its groundbreakers are defined and the aesthetic sustainability of the human condition is analyzed. Estévez´s main contributions to Brazilian Education are highlighted. Finally, the incipient, but significant, character of AEE, in terms of whole personality development, conceived in the association between the emotional mind and the rational one – a milestone in the teaching-learning process in contemporary schools – is outlined.
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