Play and learn: a new look at ludicity in the first year of elementary school


  • Lucia Helena Pena Pereira
  • Patrícia Vieira Bonfin


Ludicity, Integration Cognition/Affection/Motion, First Year Of Elementary School.


This article has the purpose to present some reflexions about the place of ludicity in learning and in the development of the child, in the case of the six year old, that, according to the new legislation, are in the first year of elementary school. To allow the experience of ludic activities in educational practices in this level of teaching is to enable the integral development of the child, respecting the singularities of the infantile world. Unlike some tradicional ways of teaching, the playing and the learning are not opposite aspects in the teaching-learning process, being possible through this encounter, a dialogue with several humane dimensions-cognition, affection and motion. To make the professionals actions of this phase more significant and pleasant, it is necessary that the concept of ludicity be understood before it can be experienced.

How to Cite

Pereira, L. H. P., & Bonfin, P. V. (2015). Play and learn: a new look at ludicity in the first year of elementary school. Education, 34(2), 295–310. Retrieved from



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