Encounters with signs: possibilities to think learning in the context of Education


  • Angélica Neuscharank UFSM
  • Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira UFSM




Learning, Signs, Philosophies of difference.


The writing of this article consists of a study on Gilles Deleuze’s philosophical thinking about the concept of sign and what it triggers to think in relation to the notion of learning in the context of Education. Many of the theoretical connections proposedwere based on studies of the book Proust e os signos (Proust and Signs) (DELEUZE, 2010), and on the literature Em busca do tempo perdido (In Search of Lost Time) (PROUST, 2006a; 2006b; 2013). Equally relevant were the teaching experiences that have occurred along with the research and allowed me to think teaching through the signs produced in the Proustian literature and the possibility found in the cartography method. This is a research in Education that was processually produced in the encounters and situations along the way, and it allowed me to think what learning while finding oneself with the signs would be. 

Author Biography

Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira, UFSM

Profa. Associada Depto. de Metodologia do EnsinoPrograma de Pós Graduação em Educação - PPGEUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM/RS
Centro de Educação/Prédio 16/Sala 3366
LAV/Laboratório de Artes Visuais



How to Cite

Neuscharank, A., & Oliveira, M. O. de. (2017). Encounters with signs: possibilities to think learning in the context of Education. Education, 42(3), 585–596. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984644422579



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