The curriculum and schools in the countryside: questions political-pedagogical in overcoming


  • Clésio A. Antonio Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE


School Curriculum, Education in the Countryside, School in the Countryside.


The text argues the school work from the selection process, organization and teaching of the school knowledge, having as central approach the questions relative to the school curriculum in schools in the countryside, for which presents some ones of the problematics of the organizacional order relationed to the pedagogical process. We discuss that the organization of the school curriculum, guided for the discipline logic to of organization of the pedagogical practices, it is supported by a included curricular model assumed to the school work, with its consequences in the teaching of the school knowledge and in the organization of the pedagogical practice of the teachers in school in the countryside. This model is presented in its origin of modern and urban escolarização of mass, that enlarges to the schools in the countryside, revealing some contradictions to the curricular dynamics of the schools. We search to bring these political-pedagogical questions as a contribution to the educational reflections supported by the movement “For an Education in the Countryside”, as revindicative social forum of an education that takes in consideration the reality sociocultural in the countryside. This movement, therefore, is situated as an social-upbringing for a quarrel on movements of curricular reorganization with the schools in the countryside.

How to Cite

Antonio, C. A. (2008). The curriculum and schools in the countryside: questions political-pedagogical in overcoming. Education, 33(1), 73–92. Retrieved from



Dossier: Education at the Countryside