The epistemological concept of past for History teachers
Past, Memory, Empathy, History teachers, High school.Abstract
This paper presents part of the doctoral research results entitled “The Significance of the Past for History Teachers”. The subjects are seventeen teachers of history, from ten schools of high school in Curitiba - PR. Present and categorizes teachers’ answers on the epistemological concept of past in groups: static past, past to create empathy, past and memory, past to memorize, exemplary past and past for guidance. The theoretical basis of analysis and research was developed by Michael Oakeshott (2003), David Lowenthal (1989, 1998), Jörn Rüsen (2001, 2007a, 2007b), Jacques Le Goff (1992), Peter Lee (2003) and Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt (2010). The categorization presents results that contribute to the discussion of understanding that the teacher has on the epistemology of science reference.Downloads
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