School education policies aimed at indigenous people


  • Antonella Maria Imperatriz Tassinari Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
  • Izabel Gobbi Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai)


Public policies, School education, Indigenous people, Indigenous knowledge.


In Brazil the education system underwent broad reformulation as a result of the promulgation of the National Constitution in 1988 and the subsequent approval, in 1996, of the new Law of National Education Directives and Bases. Brazilian laws regognize indigenous knowledge and propose their inclusion in public schools curricula. They also recognize that indigenous people have their own teaching and learning process which each school needs to take into account and propose the formulation of diferenciated curricula. This presentation will attempt to assess the consequences and challenges brought about by these changes, with respect to the treatment of indigenous knowledges in the regular schools as well as in the indigenous schools, focusing the gaps between the law and the practice in the schools.

How to Cite

Tassinari, A. M. I., & Gobbi, I. (2009). School education policies aimed at indigenous people. Education, 34(1), 95–112. Retrieved from



Dossier: Anthropology of Education