The existence of values through the infanto-juvenile literature: the pedagogy of projects as strategy of teaching


  • Helen Denise Daneres Lemos UFMG
  • Andréia Morés Universidade de Caxias do Sul


Educational Practices, Reading, Writing, Ludicidade, Ethical Values


This article is resulted of reflections regarding the bonds that can be established among the infanto-juvenile literature, the ludicidade and the work projects as teaching strategies, and the existence of ethical values. These reflections appeared parallel to the period in that a practical experience was developed, in classroom, of a school of the Public System of Teaching, of Santa Maria’s city - RS in the year of 2003. It was looked for through the work projects, to relate the more significant literary works for a group of children of several age groups, to the discussion and the valorization of ethical practices, leaning on in resources lúdicos, in way to contribute with the process of those students’ development, many, in situation of social risk, needing to receive attention and recognition on the part of the teachers and friends, with which lived together daily. The obtained results check to the work projects and the infanto-juvenile literature, a significant mediation in the processes of development of the understanding of the meaning of social practices permeated by values as respect, solidarity, participation and union.

How to Cite

Lemos, H. D. D., & Morés, A. (2010). The existence of values through the infanto-juvenile literature: the pedagogy of projects as strategy of teaching. Education, 31(2). Retrieved from



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