Memorys of teachers: Helena Ferrari Teixeira’s life history


  • Vantoir Roberto Brancher Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Valeska Fortes de Oliveira


Life History, Teatching knowledge, Memory.


Some aims of this research are to know and to analyze the Life History of a very singular teacher of significative importance to Brazillian Women’s History, Education and Politics. For (re)constructing her history, we adopted a qualitative methodology based on Life History Biographical Method in the Oral cathegory and also in other forms of documentation like newspapers, photographs, testimonies and other surveys already done. From this investigation, initially resulted some interviews with the contributor, which was been transcripted, analyzed and discussed under the scope of various references, like Genre, Memory, Oral History, Knowledge, etc. The (re)construction of Helena Ferrari Teixeira’s life history, the first woman in Santa Maria Legislature with great possibilities of being the first in Brazillian Legislature, she entered formally in politics in 1951, remaining for three consecutive mandates. We also found, in the family and/or public files a considerable number of documents and photographs of the teacher. Some considerations would be already pointed based on the first documentary researches we made, that provide us the possibility to realize and to understand the individuals nd respective social places taken by them. To observe the knowledge of the Teaching Helena Ferrari provides the reviewing of the places and spaces lived by teaching in different periods. From it, I believe that to observe the everyday knowledge of Teaching, in this case, of Mrs. Teixeira, it helps us in a review of ourselves knowledge and profissional practices.

How to Cite

Brancher, V. R., & Oliveira, V. F. de. (2010). Memorys of teachers: Helena Ferrari Teixeira’s life history. Education. Retrieved from



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