Schools among polish immigrants in Rio Grande do Sul and the Nationalization of Education


  • Adriano Malikoski Universidade de Caxias do Sul
  • Lúcio Kreutz Universidade de Caxias do Sul



Polish immigration, Polish ethnic schools, Nationalization of Education.


This paper aims to present results of research on ethnic schools of Polish immigrants in Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil, from 1890 to the Nationalization of Education in 1938. Before 1938, there were 106 (one hundred-six) Polish ethnic schools operating in this state, many of which had education bilingual in Portuguese and Polish. The courseware was used in Polish and Portuguese, with emphasis on texts that portrayed the Polish culture and its adaptation to the context of colonial settlements. A Cultural History, as a reading of the research object, has a reflexive methodology one analytical approach from different sources, such as documents, literature and oral history in his plots to build a narrative.

Author Biographies

Adriano Malikoski, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Licenciado em Filosofia e Mestre em Educação. Professor na Universidade de Caxias do Sul.

Lúcio Kreutz, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Doutor em Educação, professor do PPGEDU - UCS, pesquisador PQ - CNPQ.



How to Cite

Malikoski, A., & Kreutz, L. (2016). Schools among polish immigrants in Rio Grande do Sul and the Nationalization of Education. Education, 1(1), 67–80.



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