Humanization of nursing care through academic education




Nursing care, Humanization of assistance, Education, nursing, diploma programs


Objective: to understand how nurses perform humanized care through learning acquired in their academic experience. Method: this is a qualitative study, descriptive exploratory developed with eight nurses from a hospital in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre/RS. Data were collected through interviews. Results: the results showed two categories of analysis: possibilities of humanization in care, where they were cited communication, reception and workload as factors interfering in the process and humanization in academic, whose memory of the respondents are based on memories of the teacher as a role model. Final Thoughts: it was found that there are still gaps in training on humanization as an object of study in undergraduate courses, so that the human dimensions of care proposals are still so disjointed with the reality of healthcare in the country


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Author Biographies

Daniele Delacanal Lazzari, Docente do Curso de Enfermagem da Faculdade Estácio, São José, SC

Enfermeira, mestre em Educação nas Ciências pela UNIJUI/RS.

Lilian Gabrielle Jacobs, Hospital Regina, Novo Hamburgo, RS

enfermeira, especialista em terapia intensiva.

Walnice Jung, Colégio Romano Senhor Bom Jesus, Porto Alegre, RS

enfermeira, especialista em educação, professora da escola técnica do colégio romano.



How to Cite

Lazzari, D. D., Jacobs, L. G., & Jung, W. (2012). Humanization of nursing care through academic education. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 2(1), 116–124.



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