A importância da Lei 9.795/99 e das diretrizes curriculares nacionais da educação ambiental para docentes


  • Berenice Gehlen Adams Projeto de Educação Ambiental APOEMA, Novo Hamburgo, RS




Legislação Lei 9.795/99 Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Educação Ambiental


The article focuses on the importance of dissemination of documents that legitimizeEnvironmental Education, especially Law No. 9.795/99 establishing the Environmental Educationin Brazil - which is the basis of Resolution No. 2 of 15 June 2012 laying down guidelines NationalCurriculum for Environmental Education - so that teachers can improve its practices becominginterdisciplinary environmental education in all grades and in all subjects and at all levels ofeducation, from kindergarten to college. It indicates that there is a gap regarding the teachers'knowledge of this important law and the guidelines recently approved EA, and without theknowledge of these documents and other important reference documents, EnvironmentalEducation will continue to be handled in a tight, fragmented, limited the dates of celebrations asWorld Water Day, Earth Day, Indian Day, Environment Day, and limited to issues such as wasteseparation, environmental disasters and catastrophic issues, - what more frightening than educate- to the awakening of environmental consciousness. Suggests the promotion of a mini-course forteachers of different educational levels to experience these important documents that legitimizeEnvironmental Education in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Berenice Gehlen Adams, Projeto de Educação Ambiental APOEMA, Novo Hamburgo, RS

Formada em Pedagogia Empresarial e Orientação Educacional, pós graduada em Educação Ambiental, casada, diretora da Apoema Cultura Ambiental e coordenadora do Projeto Apoema – Educação Ambiental (www.apoema.com.br), participante de diversas redes de Educação Ambiental do país.


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OLIVEIRA, M. E. de, A Temática Ambiental no Ensino Médio. Disponível em: http://www.educacao.ufpr.br/publicacoes/sedpeef/resumos_comunicacao_%20oral_%20em_%20pdf/mariaeunice.pdf. Acesso em: 20/10/2009

SANTOS, A. S. R dos, Educação ambiental e o poder público. 2000. Disponível em: http://www.aultimaarcadenoe.com.br/educacao-ambiental/. Acesso em 16/10/09



How to Cite

Adams, B. G. (2013). A importância da Lei 9.795/99 e das diretrizes curriculares nacionais da educação ambiental para docentes. Monografias Ambientais, 10(10), 2148–2157. https://doi.org/10.5902/223613086926

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