Atividade antibacteriana de Brassica oleracea var. Capitata em modelos experimentais in vitro
Anti-Bacterial Agents, Plants Medicinal, Medicine Traditional, Phytotherapy, BrassicaAbstract
The ability of microorganisms, especially bacteria become resistant, has been widelydiscussed in various publications, and plants are one source to search for new drugs that each dayhas become more necessary. This work aimed to evaluate different ways of preparing extracts ofBrassica oleracea var. capitata and test them fronts strain of Staphylococcus aureus using the teston solid medium by diffusion in agar and in liquid medium in the ELISA plate. Tests revealed thatextracts obtained by solvent extraction and decoction hydroalcoholic acid have greater appeal tothe search for new drugs with activity against S. aureus, and the latter fractions obtained by liquidliquidpartition relating to solvents ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and hydroalcoholic remainingfraction showed more efficient. As for the solid medium, there was a lack of antibacterial activityof hydroalcoholic extract. However, a strong antibacterial activity was observed when analyzed inthe same extracts in liquid medium. Ethanolic extracts with concentrations of 50 and 70% showedbetter results when evaluated for 8 h of incubation. Different results were observed when theperiod was bent where the concentrations became more expressive of the 70 and 80%. The resultsdemonstrate that the species is a potential source of antibacterial agents. However, the choice ofsolvent, the extraction method and the bacterial growth medium should be considered. The datashown here motivates further studies for the isolation and identification of the active principlesresponsible for the antibacterial activity that can be used in the pharmaceutical industry, becauseof the large number of resistance to existing antibacterial drugs.Downloads
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