A relação entre desmotivação e o processo ensino-aprendizagem


  • Teresinha de Fátima Souto Almeida Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS
  • Jerônimo Sartori Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS




Lack of motivation, Evening course, Pedagogical practice, Teaching and learning


This paper analyzes the influence of the lack of motivation in the teaching - learning process,addressing the issue of interdisciplinarity as a factor of integration in the process of knowledgeconstruction. A survey of the leading indicators on teachers and students’ discouragement wasconducted. For the analysis it was adopted the assumptions of the teaching and learning process,understanding education in its interdisciplinary aspects and its relation to lack of motivation. Toestablish a comparison with the theoretical analysis, a diagnosis was made on the school context,which was systematized after a critical and reflexive analysis, identifying some alternativesolutions to the problem of lack of motivation in elementary schools. According to the diagnosis itwas evident that the lack of motivation leads to failing and dropping out. However, it wasconcluded that it is possible to overturn the situation through a work in an interdisciplinaryperspective using the communication technologies as well as investing in teacher training aimingto think over changing in the pedagogical practice, taking a closer look at the needs of the eveningcourse students.


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How to Cite

Almeida, T. de F. S., & Sartori, J. (2012). A relação entre desmotivação e o processo ensino-aprendizagem. Monografias Ambientais, 8(8), 1870–1886. https://doi.org/10.5902/223613086194