Perspectives of environmental managers of CIGRES-consultant municipalities in the selective collection process
Selective collect, Urban solid waste, Environmental management, Environmental EducationAbstract
There are still insufficient Brazilian municipalities which carry out actions for the urban solid waste management. Several factors have contributed to environmental education work in many cases being absent or ineffective. This study aimed to identify the methods of environmental education, the weaknesses and potentialities in the system implementation process, aiming at analysis, discussion and proposition of tools, solutions and/or mitigation of the difficulties which were found. For this, a qualitative and quantitative research was conducted directed to the environmental managers of the municipalities of the northwestern Rio Grande do Sul-RS. Given the results it was found that many municipalities are still late in this process and the vast majority have faced numerous challenges, including the lack of support within the municipal administration and the general population. It was also evidenced the necessity of the implantation of this system to be intense and uninterrupted, integrating information activities, sensitization and mobilization of all involved. After data analysis, a lecture was realized with the environmental managers, where the research results were presented and discussed. In addition, tips were shared to facilitate the process of implementing selective collection, many of which were presented by the environmental managers themselves in their responses.
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