The view of physiotherapy academics on health care waste in a higher education institution
Health services waste, Physiotherapy, Stages of management, Academic trainingAbstract
Health professionals should be concerned with the waste generated by their activities, and develop specific skills and abilities since graduation, requiring a conscious positioning and willingness to collaborate in the search for solutions. The objective of the study was to evaluate the knowledge of physical therapy academics about health care waste (RSS). This is a descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional exploratory study with physiotherapy academics from a Higher Education Institution, located in Salvador, Bahia. A total of 53 academics participated, data were collected through a structured questionnaire, and analyzed through Epi Info 6.04 Software to describe the absolute and percentage frequencies. As results found: 62.3% are unaware of the RSS ranking; 52.8% are aware of their potential for risk and 62.3% are not aware of segregation. It is concluded that there is a lack of knowledge of many physical therapy students about SSR, reflecting the need to seek ways to sensitize future physiotherapists to develop a broader understanding of environmental issues. This requires the training of qualified and sensitized professionals to the importance of proper management of these wastes, with responsibility and ethical commitment to the health of society and the environment.
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