A língua espanhola como ferramenta para prática da educação ambiental
Spanish language, Environmental education, InterdisciplinaryAbstract
The teaching of Spanish language can be thought as a possible and effective interdisciplinary tool inthe practice of the environmental education. If we consider the Spanish as one of the most widelyspoken languages in the news and that its use allows both new forms of learning and the promotionof education less fragmented, the present work, in the light of the Spanish language as a means orvector, an awareness of environmental issues in the school. This work was carried out by performinga literature reflective, which was considered the relevance of language as a mediator of humancommunication. In addition, students at 6th and 8th grades of the State Institute of Education Tiarajúfrom São Sepe - RS worked a material in Spanish involving earthly identity of the student'sperspective of the environment and its preservation. Therefore, we tried to sharpen the thinking ofstudents about the environmental problems they see in their lives and what possible actions thatshould be applied in the process of softening the impact humans are having on the environment. Thestudy showed that the teaching of environmental education to be an applicant to practice or routineeducation, or be incorporated as a routine action and advise that the Spanish language can contribute to it, discussing and reflecting the attitudes and environmental values society. Thus, wecan see that students recognize the human impact on the environment, but require actions tofacilitate the process, the internalization, much of the actual execution of environmental education.Downloads
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