Environmental awareness education: textual genres approach through reading and writing workshops
Environmental awareness education, Interdisciplinary, Textual genresAbstract
Environmental Awareness Education means practical actions to build relationships based on responsibility and reasonable use of nature resources and environment as well as the perpretation and maintenance of all the planet living things. Considering that the following article presents research data about projects developed at Escola de Ensino Fundamental Dr Pery da Cunha Gonçalves located in São Gabriel /RS , 8º grade, subject of Portuguese Language. The main objective was study subjects and situations related to environmental awareness offering reflexive and critical actions to understand man and nature relation. Reading and Writing Workshops to produce texts using Journalistic Genre as well as the study of the transversal theme were used as methodology. One of the obtained results was waking up students to critical observations allowing them to evaluate how their life styles impact the environment.
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