Municipal solid waste as a theme for science education in the Youth and Adult Education (EJA)
Natural sciences, Solid waste, Youth and Adult Education - EJAAbstract
This study aimed to understand the conceptions of the students of the 2nd segment of the Youth and Adult Education - EJA of the State School Marechal Rondon, about municipal solid waste (MSW). The school in addition to being a center of excellence for this educational modality allows the pedagogical work develops through different practices and different experiences. The methodology used in the research was the case study and used a variety of instruments for data collection such as participant observation and questionnaires, as well as holding an educational intervention that took place in stages such as class to the intervention of presentation ; realization of conceptual diagnosis of MSW; lectures on the subject; workshop on the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) and; field class (technical visit) at the municipal recycling shed. The results of the survey showed that the public has researched low level of knowledge on the subject in question, which is of high relevance in the context of the local community and society in general. However, it is clear also, that when working with a local reach problematic properly, issues such as Municipal Solid Waste start to become more important in the construction of knowledge of these students. In addition, it provides an opportunity even the individual's role, making room for the formation of more citizens committed to the social cause to their surroundings.Downloads
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