Control of environmental damages due to deposition of solid waste in “Sanga Da Divisa”, Quaraí-RS
Environmental Damages, Solid Waste, Sanga da DivisaAbstract
Today the environment is constantly being degraded due to human actions caused by man, the degradation of natural resources as the soil and the water, grows alarmingly resulting in serious damage for all living beings. The importance of these resources is considered for the maintenance and the balance of life on Earth, given that water is the fundamental resource for the existence of life, taking into account its growing shortage largely in the world by the soil pollution and contamination, this study is justified. So the present study had as general purpose to picture the environmental degradation due to deposition of solid waste in some points of the stream Sanga da Divisa, Quaraí-RS, for it, a collection of data and information was held by the City Office of Environment and EMATER, in search of projects aimed to the recovery and preservation of the degraded area and through photographic record it was possible to evidence the current situation in which the stream is. Lastly, based on the results obtained in this study, it was proposed recovery and preservation measures of this area through actions of Environmental Education for the control of the environmental damages due to deposition of solid waste and awareness of local population. Given that this improperly disposed waste has high pollution potential, as well as favoring the proliferation of vectors transmitting infectious diseases and pathogenic microorganisms, it can cause damage to soil and water.
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