Vulnerability assessment of the risk of contamination of groundwater resources in the city of Piratini-RS
Vulnerability, GOD, Water resourceAbstract
The society has been marked by concern over the increasing degradation of water resources. Considering this scenario, the assessment of vulnerability of aquifers is an effective tool for methodologies of Water Resource Management. The use of these natural resources, however, still requires more conscious strategies by local actors. Any action of modifying such practices requires knowledge about the reality aiming environmental education strategies that promote changes in the behavior of the actors on the environment where they live. Based on this assumption, the general objective of this study is to map the vulnerability of groundwater in Piratini city, located in Rio Grande do Sul state, South of Brazil, situated in the Serra of Southeast, near basin of Camaquã river. It was used GOD method as the tool adapted for Brazil situations. It was ellaborated a database in the Microsoft Excel software for the 12 wells that contained all the essential information to adapt to the method of degree of confinement, aquifer environment and deepth of water level. To analyze the variables cartograms were generated from Surfer 8 program of the degree of vulnerability in the study area and in ArcGIS 10 program through the IDW method that corresponds to the interpolation between each point as a local influence, decreasing as that the distance between the points increases. In Surfer 8 software the results indicated that most of the wells shows insignificant and low vulnerability, and in ArcGIS 9.3 all wells had low vulnerability. However these results are simplified in a complex area such as the Serra of Southeast, where there are few wells due to its geology and many outcrops and springs used as human supplyDownloads
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