Pinuselliottii on small farms in the north of Rio Grande do Sul


  • Jordana Georgin Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Forestry species, Farms, Pinuselliottii


Pinuselliottii is one of the most important tree species currently used for forestry plantations in Brazil . Its great versatility , its hardiness and adaptability , its excellent growth rate , coupled with the quality of wood and products made with it , have caused the cultivation of Pinus be a success in Brazil . The southern region of Brazil for having a completely favorable climate for the development of the species , and has been a growing increase in areas planted with pine , but agriculture became the main standoff , making this even primary activity in rural areas . Thus , the aim of this study was to conduct a survey in five municipalities in the northern region of the state , totaling 38 farms , making an analysis of how these areas are being implemented pine , and what are the future goals of the producers in this activity , Amongst other things that could be analyzed.


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Author Biography

Jordana Georgin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Engenharia ambiental.


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How to Cite

Georgin, J. (2014). Pinuselliottii on small farms in the north of Rio Grande do Sul. Monografias Ambientais, 13(3), 3341–3345.

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