Groundwater mapping of Boa Vista do Cadeado city / RS
Vulnerability, GOD method, SGASAbstract
The pollution generated by human activities has aroused the continuing need to know and assess the conditions of the environment in relation to possible sources of contamination, especially harmful to groundwater resources. Through this study, in the municipality of Boa Vista do Cadeado, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, located in northwestern region, inserted in the Paraná Basin of the Southern Geomorphological Brazilian Plateau where spills outcrop of volcanic rocks forming the Serra Geral Aquifer System/SGAS. Were spatialized thematic maps related to hydrodynamic data of wells like: water table, underground flow, potentiometric surface, specific capacity and the index of natural vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination. Using the GOD method, were simulated by abstraction 12 wells. Were obtained two classes of natural vulnerability, circa the 83.3% in negligible class and 16.7% in low class. It was concluded that the region presented low vulnerability to contamination having a natural protection related to volcanic basalt rock layers, in a confined aquifer and water table near the surface.
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