Environmental licensing: quality evolution of Environmental Impact Assessment (ISE)
https://doi.org/10.5902/2236117065687Parole chiave:
Environmental management, Environmental impact assessment, Environmental policyAbstract
The Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Report (ISE/EIR) are the main studies that subsidize the decision of the environmental agency in issuing the prior license, required to subsidize environmental licensing of enterprises with significant power of environmental degradation. The environmental licensing for ISE/EIR to be effectively applied are directly related to the quality of these studies. The aim of the study was to analyze the evolution of the quality of the ISE/EIR based on the perception of IBAMA's environmental analysts. For data were applied electronic questionnaires for environmental analysts responsible for IBAMA's environmental licensing between 2013 and 2018. The questions analyzed the environmental analysts' perception of the quality of the ISE/EIR and of the specific parts of the study, using as an analytical tool the Boxplot graphs and the non-parametric test Mann-Whitney U. The result indicated that the quality of ISE/EIR are low and didn't evolve between 2013 and 2018.
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