A democratic political project management and instructional design in teacher: a case study


  • Josiane Folletto Bianchin ufsm
  • Marta Roseli de Azeredo Barichello UFSM




This work had as general objective research into the way in which the teachers saw their role as managers and as specific objectives understand how the democratic participatory management, analyze the behavior of teachers in front of the school management, investigate the action and contribution of the teachers in the elaboration and development of political-pedagogical project as a democratic management space and observe the relationship political-pedagogical project school with its reality. This research is provided through a qualitative study based on structured questionnaires with questions Open applied only to teachers of high school night, direction, vice direction and pedagogical coordination of a state school. Even though much is discussed about democratic management can realize that the participation of the teachers who was the object of research, is still very limited at school, there are some forms of participation that are passive, highlighting the collaboration at parties, hear and approve the suggestion of direction, or even listen to and discuss issues, but did not reach any consensus with the other members school, pointing out that this research was just a sample of the reality of school in a given period of time.

Key-words: democratic management, political pedagogical project, teacher manager.


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How to Cite

Bianchin, J. F., & Barichello, M. R. de A. (2014). A democratic political project management and instructional design in teacher: a case study. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 3(5), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.5902/2176217110877


