Power, academic expertise, barbarism: the Manhattan Project and the meaning of education
Manhattan Project, Academic education, Barbarism, ReasonAbstract
What does the experience of the Manhattan Project (1942-1946), the billion-dollar North American mobilization for the development of nuclear weapons, give us to think about the meaning of education? What does a research and development project circumscribed in reason-dominance have to reveal about the relationship between power, academic knowledge and barbarism? This text problematizes the relationship between instrumentalized rationality and education in the modern world and, to this end, discusses the scientific and academic expertise in the composition of the Manhattan Project. It highlights the ruins of mastery-reason with the model of schooling linked to operational parameters and proposes the hypothesis of the inseparability between academic education and the task of consolidating critical reflection in each activity. It concludes with the defense that events such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki intensify education's commitment to competing for the perspectives of the civilizing process as opposed to barbarism.
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