Ways of thinking about school: gender studies and free time for student’s emancipation
Gender, Education, Alienation, Power, CorruptionAbstract
The present article is born from the discussions of a narrative developed in a course taken in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Santa Maria, whose goal was to discuss the ways of thinking about school, from modernity to contemporary. It intends to highlight the importance of gender relations in the philosophical-educational field, through a problematization of documents that guide Brazilian educational public policies, such as the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) and the Gaúcho Curricular Reference for High School (RCG/EM). It presents a study regarding the conceptions of alienation, power, and corruption present in the book In Defense of School: a public issue by Jan Masschelein and Maarten (2017), as well as draws on the ultraconservative critiques called "gender ideologies" in the school setting as ways to think contemporary modes of alienation, power, and corruption present in schooling processes.
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