Interrelationships between Philosophy, Science and Art: didactic proposal for the teaching philosophy in integrated high school




Philosophy, Science, Art, Frankfurt school, Integrated high school


During the 16 and 17th century’s philosophy, science and art started to separate, mainly because of science consolidation and its rational knowledge production, based on mathematics and logical principles, search understanding, and dominating objectively nature. While the art going to take of sensitivity, using discourse and subjective means to make questions, based on judgment faculties and, finally, the philosophy going to promote deeper reflection and more accurate analysis of knowledge productions both areas, not separating, but starting from them. Consequently, this paper sought to offer didactics and interdisciplinary proposals for normal and integrated high school, in order to cover pieces of knowledge produced by science, art, and philosophy, having critical theory as a theoretical contribution. Therefore, showed theoretical discussion about the inter-relations existing between those great areas. And, for didactics proposal development works with different teaching materials such as the Philosophy of Frankfurt School, the work of art of Ai Weiwei. As a result, intends to illustrate the possibilities to work in an interdisciplinary and inclusive way with different knowledge.


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Author Biography

Angélica Antonechen Colombo, Instituto Federal do Paraná, Campo Largo, PR

Professora doutora no Instituto Federal do Paraná, Campo Largo, PR, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Colombo, A. A. . (2022). Interrelationships between Philosophy, Science and Art: didactic proposal for the teaching philosophy in integrated high school. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 8, e13/1–22.