Is it possible to educate thought? The Philosophy for Children program by M. Lipman
Philosophy for children, Cognitive skills, PragmatismAbstract
One of the central aspects of the Philosophy for Children Program (P4C), created by Matthew Lipman, is the proposition of an education to think through philosophy. If by itself, the idea of teaching philosophy yet in the earliest grades is already innovative, its pragmatic approach to improving the cognitive skills of children and teenagers through philosophical dialogue still seems like a diffidently taken up challenge. In this paper, we intend to discuss the proposal of an education for thinking and criticize the presuppositions of formal education, in addition to inquiry why philosophy would be the most appropriate discipline to carry out this task. Next, we will explore the concepts of cognitive skills and community of inquiry and their relationship to language. Finally, we will discuss the critiscisms made of the P4C and our response to them, recognizing the scope and limits of each of them.
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UNESCO. Filosofia para crianças. Série Práticas Educacionais 32, 2020, disponível em:
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