Philosophy teaching obliteration policies: a narrative about philosophical rubble




BNCC-EM, PNE, Ensino de filosofia, Professor, Projeto de vida


Based on the figure of the narrator and the type of peasant narrator, the one who saw the story of his land and narrates it, created by Walter Benjamin, the article presents itself as a narrative that articulates the current state of education policies - guided by the National Education Plan (PNE) and the Common National Curriculum Base for High School (BNCC-EM) – with the recent obliteration of the teaching of philosophy; relates them to the collective movements, carried out by philosophy professors and students, in the first decade of the 21st, and the resulting triumphs. In the interstice between past and present, the narrative aims to show the collective achievements related to the conquests of philosophy in Brazilian education, so that, in the present that denies them, we can persevere and create lines to get out of the situations that imprison the educational philosophical thinking and teaching work. One of the lines proposed and defended in the article is that professors of Human sciences and Social applied sciences, especially those with a background in Philosophy, should be responsible for the curricular component “Life project”, precisely because it is thanks to their philosophical training, they are better able to achieve the objectives of the New High School proposal.


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Author Biography

Ester Maria Dreher Heuser, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Toledo, PR

Professora doutora da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Toledo, PR, Brasil


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How to Cite

Heuser, E. M. D. (2021). Philosophy teaching obliteration policies: a narrative about philosophical rubble. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 7, e13/1–20.



Dossiê Ensino de Filosofia, BNCC e Reforma do Ensino Médio