The philosophy of “becoming what one is” in the young-Nietzsche as a didactic practice of philosophizing: reflections for the public school high school teacher
jovem-Nietzsche, capital moral, genealogia, formação cultural.Abstract
In this investigation, the teaching of philosophy is approached, having as its function the formation of critical moral capital from the young-Nietzsche. The aim is, therefore, to critically interpret the Nietzschean concept of integral education expressed by the formula “how to become what one is” and to compare it with the notion of integral education standardized by the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) in order to situate the curricular component of philosophy in this crisis of the curricular paradigm. In this way, our analysis based on a bibliographical review and specific documental analysis identifies that the philosophical formation constitutes an indispensable part of the Cultural Formation of the student in the high school of public school.
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